Thanks for your interest in BFSSoft! We provide products and services for Audio Professionals, Musicians, Theatres, Clubs, and DJ’s at small to medium sized venues. This includes, but is not limited to:
Tour sound: Mobile live sound rigs designed for musicians and traveling theatre.
Installed sound: Permanent live sound installations for Theaters, Clubs, Churches, etc.
DJ’s: Mobile sound rigs for any occasion.
Lighting: Mobile lighting for Musicians and DJ’s.
Miscellaneous Hardware: Connectors, cable, cabinet hardware, speaker stands, cases.
Software: WavEditor audio editing software.
Tour and DJ: Stage design and setup, including lighting. Live, onsite operation, support, or leasing.
Enclosure design: Custom speaker enclosure designs to fit unusual or specialty situations.
Professional recording: Professional recording equipment and personel for almost any event.
Repair: Speaker re-coning, vacuum tube amps, out of warranty, manufacturer discontinued, etc..
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